Saturday, November 7, 2009


As of yesterday at 3:54 PM Superman's Autism teacher's position was posted.  She packed up and is gone.

We are sleeping better for a night or two.

We hope against all hope that the district will take time to recruit a quality teacher for the position.

Stay tuned as this gets resolved.  I don't have much faith in The Dark Side.


  1. Did you dance around the house? Scream? Yell? In the words of teenagers, w00t!!!!

  2. I was led to your blog by Daisy, to your post about the astonishing visual cue fiasco and added you to my RSS feed. I'm happy to hear that an incompetent teacher is gone and hope along with you that the district will find someone qualified to take her place! There is such a huge need for teachers who understand autism!


Although I am dangerously opinionated, I am a flexible thinker and welcome your thoughts.