Sunday, June 27, 2010

I Statements

Let me introduce you to a woman I  respect greatly.  Not only for her personal journey, but for her clear and consistent common sense message.

What brings me to this introduction is yesterday's post.  I mentioned 'I' statements the kindergarden teacher was using and was reminded of a great piece written by Jane Bluestein about how bogus the 'I' statement  concept is.

Check out Jane's website.  Read what she offers up.  So much of it is free and easily accessed.  All of it is relevant, true, and right on.

I want to be like her when I grow up.


  1. God, that's brilliant. Thanks for sharing!

    Also reminds me of my (exceptional?) 6 year old, who, when asked if he wanted to take his time out in his bedroom or in the kitchen, replied, "You can't control me with that Love and Logic crap. I'm not taking a time out, I'm going outside."

    I guess he overheard one too many conversations between his parents. (-:

  2. You wouldn't believe how ISS kids are being abused and state regs are being ingnored at my school. I just posted about what went on during regents week.


Although I am dangerously opinionated, I am a flexible thinker and welcome your thoughts.